I love backpacking the Uinta Wilderness. There is something about leaving the pressure of life behind and getting away from it all.
I am sorry, but I am a gear junkie. I should never have to buy more equipment ever!! But when something new, better, even cooler comes out….. I buy it. I know that there are more of us out there, and we are good at supporting the economy via outdoor gear.
I have an expensive self-inflating sleeping pad. It is about my fifth one as they have gotten lighter and more compact over time. I have used this one for years and have been happy with it. Self-inflating pads have been the standard but in more recent times the inflatable pads have been stealing market share.
The Klymit Static V inflatable pad has intrigued me for about a year and though I promised myself not to spend money on new gear this trip, I gave in.

The Static V large air pad inflates in 10-15 breaths, weighs just over 1lb, and rolls up compact in its own sack.
It only weighs 18.1 ounces and is less than half the size of my old favorite. You can inflate it to the firmness you desire and actually get it back into the tiny stuff sack.
I slept better and warmer than ever. This turned out to be an excellent acquisition and I highly recommend it to smooth out those rainy Uinta nights. Better sleep, lighter weight, and more compact…. that’s why I am a non-recovering gear junkie.
Klymit air pads make great Christmas gifts… and they’re a local company, based in Centerville, Utah. Explore Air pads here, and come visit Smith & Edwards off I-15 at exit 351 for your last-minute gifts.