This little lid is the coolest thing to hit our Paint Department since we can remember!
We use these bucket lids ourselves in the store
Randy, our Paint department manager, thinks you’ll love this product – and he’d know, he’s used it himself to build a whole nursery!
Yep, our outdoor garden center this spring and summer was built with Handy Bucket Builder lids, our Smith & Edwards Ace buckets, and 2 x 12 plywood placed flat on the lids, letting us set out our plants and flowers in tiers outside.
We used to build our garden center using lumber and cinderblocks. The cinder blocks were heavy – and they’d take up a ton of space, pallets and pallets, when it was time to take the garden center down for fall.
These lids stack up on top of each other in a column, and they’re lightweight – we hardly have to clear out any room to store them!
Come see these bucket lids in action
The Handy Bucket Builder Lid snaps on either the top or the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket. The buckets can be used upside down or not, so it’s ok if your bucket has trash, paint, wood, gravel, or sawdust in it. In fact, adding weight to the buckets will help them stay in place.

We built this sturdy shelf with just scrap wood, stacked on Handy Bucket Builder lids and 5-gallon buckets. Come see for yourself!
We’ve got a display here at Smith & Edwards between aisles 9 and 10 so you can come see the Handy Bucket Builder lids in action. To make the display you see, we stacked one pair of buckets on top of another pair of buckets, with the lids inbetween. Then, we placed two 2 by 4s in the handy bucket builder lids. Lastly, we topped with a sheet of plywood. Simple as that, we’ve got a steady shelf that can hold a lot of weight – and it hardly took any time at all! You can make a more secure fit with screws and a drill – we didn’t have to, it was steady enough as-is.
You can also use 2×3’s, which will do the same job with less weight to carry.
Uses for the Handy Bucket Builder Lids
This is great for camping, taking to kids’ soccer or lacrosse games, and for bringing on trips with your RV or trailer. Storage is simple – simply stack up your buckets, stack the lids on top, and stand your lumber next to them.
Handy Bucket Builder lids are also a great way for you to store your Emergency Preparedness supplies as well as Food Storage. Keep your canned or emergency food on shelves you can build quickly with lids, buckets, and lumber. Anywhere you need shelving that might have to get taken down or moved around – the Handy Bucket Builder lids are gonna do the job.
And they’re infinitely reusable, too.
You can build your setup to be as temporary or long-standing as you like.
The lids are made from a flexible and shatterproof type of plastic that’ll hold up through countless uses. You can even drill through the lid at indicated points for the best security.
Come in and get your lids today!
Come on in and get your lids at Smith and Edwards, they’re located between aisles 9 and 10 on our main aisle of the store. And, you can also order yours online!
Handy Bucket Builder Lid: $10.99
Smith & Edwards Ace 5 Gallon Buckets: $3.50