Smith and Edwards’ Toy Sale is a great event for getting gifts for Christmas! You’ll be sure your kids and grandkids will have a fun-filled Christmas morning with toys from our Toy Sale.
About the Toy Sale
The Smith and Edwards Toy Sale happens every fall. Like us on Facebook to see all our events and when they are scheduled. Promotional toys are at a fixed low price leading up to December!
We’ll publish our list of Toys available on our Current Specials page!
What kind of toys can you get? Top brands like Disney, Mattel, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels, Littlest Pet Shop, and much, much more.
3 Tips for VICTORY at the Smith and Edwards Toy Sale
What do we mean by “victory”? Well, the top toys sell out fast, and you want to be sure and get the toys your kids will love. There’s nothing more satisfying than getting the toys your children want at a great price! You’ll walk out the doors with amazing toys and a huge smile on your face because you did so well at the Toy Sale.
Vickie, our Toys & Housewares buyer, offered some advice she’d give for first-timers hoping to have a great time at a Toy Sale. Hardware buyer Blaine offered tips, too – together they’ve watched thousands of excited, savvy shoppers run down the aisles of our Toy Sales, and they know how to make it a great experience.
1. Prepare – and be early! Watch for our toy lists so you can go straight to the toys you’re shopping for.
While we have thousands of toys at each Toy Sale, the most popular ones disappear fast, so if you want a specific toy from the toy list, plan ahead so you can head straight for it Monday morning without distractions.
Our doors open at 9am, but we’ve seen people lined up much, much earlier than that. Plan to be here early. You can even bring a chair and meet some new friends in line before the Toy Sale starts!

Nitasha got to skip to the front of the line October 14 at our second Toy Sale in 2013. Congrats!
2. Shop Ahead! It feels amazing to get your Christmas shopping done early! Sure, you might be getting great deals on toys for the holidays. But these aren’t Christmas-only toys – I bet you can get great deals on toys they’ll love the whole year, for birthdays and more.
This is a great way to get name-brand toys for every boy and girl on your list – especially if your children have lots of cousins and friends. You’ll be prepared for Christmas and beyond with a little help from us at Smith & Edwards :)
And by the way – if it looks like we’re out of a certain toy, feel free to ask us for help. Oftentimes shoppers will take toys to the register, but they’ll only keep some of them. We’ll be running more toys back to the Toy Sale tables all morning to help you get the toys you want!
3. Come with your friends! Arrange for someone to watch the kids while you bring your friends to go Toy Sale shopping with you. Leave the kids at home, because you don’t want to worry about a stroller or collecting the kids when you check out (or them seeing their presents!). So having a girls-day-out-shopping will make the sale a big adventure. Not only is there safety in numbers – it’s a lot more fun, too!
You can combine your friends’ shopping lists with yours, or you can divide and conquer – you’ll have a ton of fun together, and you’ll all have a great experience to talk about afterward.
So get ready for lots of fun! Plan on coming and enjoying a morning of scoring great toys your kids will love. It’s really spectacular – you’ve gotta be here!
And while you might have heard scary rumors… our Toy Sales are typically pretty tame. Promise! It can get crowded, but everyone’s here to have a good time and get great toys for our kids, so you don’t need to bring knee pads or elbow pads. Just plan on a nice morning of great deals and great savings!
Got questions? Give us a call at 801-731-1120, we’ll be happy to help you get everything you need for a great Christmas.