During this past hunting season, I had the opportunity to go on a hunt to Wyoming in rugged Region G with my best friend. He drew this exclusive tag his first year putting in for it! Growing up, we dreamed about hunting this prime unit.
When we discovered that he drew, my mind immediately turned to my gear and what I needed to purchase to hunt the tough, high country mule deer of Wyoming.
My Deer Hunting Gear for Wyoming’s Region G

Badlands 2200 backpack
I used the Badlands 2200 pack and it was prime. I was able to pack the gear necessary to allow comfort in the back country, the batwing design and spotting scope pocket provided excellent organization.
It ended up being a wet and cold opening weekend to the hunt. I was glad I’d purchased a Kryptek Poseidon rain jacket which kept my upper body dry as could be during the blizzard-like weather for days. Without this jacket keeping my core dry, I believe we would have had a different turn out on this hunt of a lifetime.
During this hunt I also was using the Vortex Viper 10×42 binoculars. I love these binoculars! They also held up and performed without flaws during mother nature’s curveballs. I was able to locate/spot during a blizzard, a nice old four-point deer barely poking out of the pine trees, checking his surroundings, before stepping out to feed.
When the moment came to make the shot and put this old smart toothless warrior to rest, we trusted and had 100% confidence in the accuracy and kinetic energy that the Berger Bullets provide to ensure a quick ethical kill to such a majestic animal.
With one quick shot, the buck was stopped in his tracks. The 185gr VLD Berger Bullets are amazing and provide unsurpassed knock down! Which you want to respectfully harvest any type of big game.

My friend and I with this majestic Wyoming mule deer
During the cleaning process of the animal, I trusted in the Outdoor Edge knives. I bought this knife because I was impressed by the replaceable surgical blades, because everyone knows how bad it sucks when your knife is dull and you have to take the time to sharpen your blade during a storm.

I recommend this Outdoor Edge Razor-Lite knife with replaceable blades for field dressing your trophy.
Click here to see more Field Dressing tools, and click here for Folding Knives.
This knife provided quick and easy cleaning which allowed us to quickly clean and make it back to the truck before we froze to death.