2018 Gun Auction date announced – CLICK HERE!
Ok, here’s the deal. ’round here you’ll find yourself a livestock auction, and a lot of folks are familiar with eBay auctions. But where else in our neck of the woods are you going to find a Gun Auction?
Smith and Edwards’ Gun Auction was in its 30th year here in Farr West on Feb. 1st from noon to 2pm and it was sure a good time. Lots of happy people and families spending a Saturday afternoon together and getting to see 70 nice guns going to good homes.
If you’ve never been to a Gun Auction at Smith & Edwards, you HAVE to come next year. It’s the entire reason folks give each other money at Christmas! (well, part of the reason) You won’t be disappointed. Here are 3 solid reasons to come next year and bring your family with you:
1. You’ll have an Awesome Time
It’s exciting to be there with 200 other people all who are familiar with guns and shooting. You could make new friends here at the gun auction, chat up some seasoned hunters for their favorite ranges or hunting spots, or just watch the crowd as the auction takes off. If you’re into guns and don’t have a lot of people everyday to talk to about your hobby, this is a great place to meet new people who get it.
And there’s even more to see at the Gun Auction than great people. Have a tasty hot dog at our Country Boy Deli right by the auction stage:
And because you’ll want to get here early, we’ve always got friends of Smith & Edwards that come to keep you entertained til the Auction starts.
This year we were lucky to have 3 guests here before the auction: The Eagle was at the front doors giving away prizes and keeping things hopping with great music.
The Zone was back in Sporting Goods, filling folks in at home on auction details.
And Mark Malan crooned to the crowd on his guitar before the auction started.
2. Great Deals & FREE Guns
You know, the #1 reason we do the Gun Auction is to make you happy. Yeah, you! Our customers love the gun auction because we have great guns at GREAT prices.
Lots of the guns start at just $100 or $200 – and these are guns we keep on the shelf with $700 – $2000 price tags all year!
And you can inspect the guns before the show, too, and get a good look at what you’re bidding on.
One fellow even came up to me and asked if we made any money on this event or if it’s a wash. Well, I can’t rightly answer that, but let me tell you, there are a LOT of folks who made out real well Saturday!
And how about those free guns?
That’s right! How would it feel to beat all the other fellas out to win the bid on a gun you really wanted… and then get told that you got it for FREE?
Pretty amazing, right? It could happen at the Smith & Edwards Gun Auction!
Not to mention the fun freebies Mike Casey threw out to the crowd: t-shirts, hats, wristbands, and to some, even .22 shells!
“Who drove the furthest to get here? Anyone from Idaho, Wyoming?” Mike asked (a few folks raised their hands.) “Ok, driving 300 miles gets you free ammo!”
Then a fellow pipes up from the crowd: “I’m from Farr West! I’ve driven a mile to here 300 times!” Ok, you can have a freebie too.
3. Mystery Safe
It’s the big attraction: The mystery safe! This year Jackie Allred was the lucky winner. And being a lady, she got a $500 Smith & Edwards Gift Certificate as a bonus!

Jackie Allred, winner of the 2014 Smith and Edwards Gun Safe, and her crew, pose with the safe and Mike Vause.
Here’s a partial list of what was in that big ol’ safe:
- Top-of-the-line Superior safe that we sell for $1799 – retails for over $2,000.00
- “Winchester 1894″ rifle with a 26” barrel, built in 1902, 38-55 caliber – all original
- 1400 rounds of .22 long round copper-coated rifle shells (WOW!)
- Smith & Wesson M&P .22 Pistol
- Leuopold’s top-of-the-line Gold Ring Spotting Scope, retails at $1199.00
- Burris Fullfield 14×42 rifle scope, retails at $259.00
- Nikon Rangefinder Realtree, retails at $469.99
- Leupold Olympic 12×50 pair of binoculars
- Browning T-Bolt .22 17 HMR, retails at $650.00
- Ruger 10 .22 Laminated Stock, stainless steel version
- Benelli Super Black Eagle Limited with wood stock, retails at $2499.00
Wow! Nice win, Jackie!
4. Auctioneer Mike Montgomery
And while those are the top 3 reasons…. we think Mike Montgomery is a reason in and of himself! He’s been heading up our auction for just about as long as we can remember – he’s a real staple of the annual Gun Auction.
I don’t know how he keeps his patter going as he’s watching in the crowd for bids! Luckily this year he had help from 4 spotters. He’s just incredible!

The 3 Mikes: Mike Montgomery auctioneering, Mike Casey talking up the guns, and Mike Vause being Vanna White.
Well, I hope you’re convinced that you’ll need to come to our 31st Gun Auction next January in 2015. We can’t wait to have you back! In the meantime, make sure to check out guns at Smith & Edwards online and in-store.
From a crazy idea Mike Casey had standing on a soapbox back on Washington Boulevard back 30 years ago to the big auction we hosted today… thanks for a great 3 decades Ogden!
Are you looking forward to the Gun Auction next year? Leave us a comment and let us know what you’d like to win! And would you share this post with one of your friends who’s never come? They’ve GOT to make it out to our Gun Auction!