Chalkboard paint is a hot home decorating secret! It’s all over Pinterest.

reposted via Handmade by Ryan Gosling
Chalk and blackboards go together – but you don’t have to be limited to black paint! With our Valspar paint line, we can color match your paint, swatches, or color scheme, and mix you up a pint, quart, or gallon of the chalkboard paint you want!
At the Make & Take we had at the Smith & Edwards Paint Department last Saturday, you could paint your own 12×12″ board with chalk paint to take home and demo on your walls…. or let your kids try out what they want in their room!
Plus, we had samples of awesome FrogTape Shape Tape to create patterns. This Frog Tape is like painter’s tape gone to art school. No more plain lines – now you can make scallops, zig zags, and ruffles in PERFECT precision.
And this tape is really good at preventing bleed-through so you have crisp contrast, not little droplets showing through.
So thanks to the great creative ideas from the crafters who came to our demo, and the crafty people in our Paint department, here are 8 fun chalkboard paint ideas you can try at your home. Try doing two-tone, too! These aren’t all home improvement ideas, either – these are great ideas for a family activity, hosting sleepovers, or birthday parties, too.
8 Fun Chalkboard Paint Ideas
1. Chalkboard Paint Pixie Dust Container
Does your 4-year-old need cheering up on a rainy day? She’d love to play with this Pixie Dust container! It could have anything in it – maybe even T-Rex Growth Potion for your dino-minded boy. Just take an aluminum container, punch holes in it (hammer and a nailpunch, or a Dremel), and then a coat of chalk paint. Works great for making pretend sprinkle jars for playing house, too!
2. Chalk Paint Spice Jars (or Sprinkle of Awesome)
Much like pixie dust containers, simply paint Chalk Paint on your glass spice jars to label them. When you use all the spices, rinse them out and write the new spice on it.
Remember, we can mix up your chalk paint in any color – so we can match your kitchen accent color, trim, or favorite plates!
This would be so cute for giving jams in Mason jars, or for your flour & sugar bins!
3. Chalk Paint Flowerpot
Label the seeds you’re starting in your flowerpot by laying down some chalkboard paint on a terra cotta pot. Or, if you’re like me, remind yourself how often to water your plants!
4. Chalk Paint Doorknob Hangers
These are great for your middle schoolers! Take a wooden doorhanger blank and your kids can paint them in their favorite colors. Boys keep out!
5. Chalk Paint Clipboard

Kids can have fun making ….creative grocery lists! Y’know, we might have #3, let me go check in the back.
Future architects will have fun planning their Lego structures with the help of a clipboard. No more looking for scrap paper: they can sketch blueprints right on the board.
Look at that cool pattern on the back made with Frog Tape shapes!
We’ve got clipboards right here for you in the store.
6. Kid’s Chalkboard Tray for Car Rides
Better than an Etch-a-Sketch, encourage your children’s love for drawing with an aluminum tray painted in their favorite color. The raised sides will keep the chalk from rolling off. They can help you keep track of groceries, draw maps, play hangman with their brother, and practice writing.
This is a 12×9 aluminum cookie sheet that Brenda painted with a mauve chalk paint. Let your kids play on the board with chalk in the back seat, and a slightly-damp paper towel works great to erase the chalk.
7. Swatch for Painting with Chalk Paint
Thinking of painting a wall, toy chest, treehouse, or trim with chalk paint? How about using Frog Tape Shape Tape in your room? Take a 12×12″ board like the ones we have and try it out.
8. Kitchen Chalk Noteboard
Keep the family on track with a wooden noteboard painted with chalk paint!
Take it one step further with scrapbooking paper and you can have a framed noteboard.
Excited? Come on in to Smith & Edwards’ Paint department and we’ll mix you up any color of chalk paint you like to take home with you!
And we’ll have to do another demo day sometime – it was sure fun!
Bonus: Chalk Paint Furniture
Speaking of what to do with this fun paint… How about furniture? We’ve heard of folks painting an old desk – the entire desktop! Maybe your kitchen table or your old desk have some chips in it, or just could use a touchup. Or how about the kids’ table?
To paint a desk: Just put some chalk paint down (you could mix baking soda in it first for extra texture). Then when the paint’s dry, rough it up some with fine sandpaper to give it an antiqued look, and buff it with beeswax (we recommend Johnson’s or Howards Beeswax, we’ve got them on aisle 17) to seal it.
Then the kids can use chalk to play and draw! Or how about writing their names and drawing their own placemats right there on the kitchen table?
The chalk paint you want – in the right color, for the right price
We’ve seen chalkboard paint going for as much as $35 a quart – we’ll beat that price by 33%. Brenda got a quart of the blue paint that she’s used on several projects. She’s been painting and painting with it and she’s still got most of it left! So just a quart of this will last you a long ways.
You don’t have to paint a whole room with chalk paint. It’s best in small, special areas.
Looking even more ideas? Check out some REALLY inventive ideas at – including chalkboard pumpkins!
Remember we can make you up chalk paint in ANY color, so bring in your ideas, Pinterest boards, or paint swatches and let us help you get the chalk paint you’re looking for at Smith & Edwards’ Paint Department off I-15 in Farr West, Utah.
Watch our Events Calendar for classes, demos, make & takes, and more FREE & FUN events at Smith & Edwards!