To all our friends in Weber County, Box Elder County, & beyond who came to Range Day 2015…. THANK YOU! We are so glad to be here for you as you came and tried out a slew of guns. It was so great to see families here and we can’t wait for the next one!
Crowd Favorites
Our vendors really pulled through, and brought some fun & hard-to-find guns. Some of the most popular guns:
- Springfield handguns: 1911 and XD’s
- Smith & Wesson handguns (and a 500!)
- Savage rifles
- Browning rifles
- Both 338 Lapua rifles
- Sig 9mm & 45 pistols
- TacSol .22pistols & rifles
- CZ Scorpion 9mm
Last year, we had a gun at each of the 20 lanes. Thanks to vendors stepping it up this year, we had easily 50+ guns to try out!
Heard at Range Day:
- When is the next one?
- Thanks for such a cool event
- Do you do this every year?
- This is a nice setup and a nice range
- I didn’t know that this range was even here
- There are lots of options here!
- I wanted to try this gun out before I bought it.
- Hey, I saw you on YouTube!
- This is what we wanted for the city range – Perry City Police Chief Weese
“Range Day was an awesome experience. I loved having so many choices of firearms from so many different manufacturers. The cost was very affordable. The manufacturer reps explained all the benefits and features of each gun and optics. The Smith and Edwards staff made the event fun for all.” – Mike Taylor, Smith & Edwards fan and 338Lapua enthusiast
Better than Last Year!
The Perry Range added a dueling tree this year, so the dueling tree was a fun challenge: 10 people won & received free ammo passes! Right on. This event definitely topped last year’s Range Day.
We’ve really got to thank our AWESOME sponsors! Many more vendors showed their products this year, which not only meant that you got to try out more guns: you got more attention. Vendors got to explain specs, gun operation, and give you feedback.
And, we the Smith & Edwards team were able to spend more time making sure the gun fit you, you had a good grip and stance, and that you felt confident operating the gun.
In addition to more vendors & many more options of guns to try out, this year we had more giveaways, and more parking!

Faye and Matt took home a FREE gun each! Thanks to H&K and Springfield Armory for sponsoring these awesome giveaways. We also gave away BUCKETS of 22 ammo.
Thanks again for coming and making Range Day 2015 a great event. Leave a comment & let me know if you think we should do it a 3rd year!
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