Wow… if you came to the Perry City Range on Friday, June 13th, you had an amazing start to Father’s Day weekend!
The Three Mile Creek Gun Range hosted about 250 people on Range Day, from people who came with their families to shoot, to Smith & Edwards staff, and even Karen Cronin, Perry City mayor.

Perry Mayor Karen Cronin with Head Rangemaster Eric Halter (L) and Sporting Goods manager Mike Vause (R) from Smith & Edwards at the Three Mile Creek Range in Perry, Utah
Perry’s Three Mile Creek Range was Amazing!
Karen Cronin, Mayor of Perry City, said that Range Day was “extremely successful!” “We owe a big thank you to Smith & Edwards and to all the employees that made it happen.”
Range Day was “the first big event that we’ve partnered with private industry on so it was pretty exciting from the get go,” Karen said. “What was really neat was the opportunities it gave the public to try out different guns, try out the gun range, and I hope it was helpful for Smith and Edwards to get the public exposed to the guns they carry.”
“Now that Smith and Edwards has taken the first step, maybe different businesses will try it out and give shooters the experience of trying out their equipment at our Range.”
Mayor Karen was happy to see the different families that came to see the Range and try out the guns and equipment at the range. “It was way cool,” she said, to see kids with their parents in a “safe, controlled environment with the rangemasters there.”
Head Rangemaster Eric Halter said the Range Day was a “smashing success.” He said the goals of the Perry City Range are to introduce youth to shooting sports, and to host competitions and matches – and Range Day demonstrated that the Three Mile Creek Range is the perfect spot for that. Also a Smith & Edwards employee, Eric said he was thrilled to see shooters of all ages at the event, from families and novices to experienced shooters.
Mike Vause, Sporting Goods buyer at Smith & Edwards, organized Range Day with the help of Perry City and Three Mile Creek Gun Range representatives, as well as manufacturers. “People had no idea that the event was going to have such support from manufacturers.” Representatives from Springfield Armory, Browning, Crimson Trace, Desert Tech, NEMO, Spirit Ammunition, and Taylor Targets were there to support the event all day that Friday at the range.
About half the people Mike talked to had never realized that there was such a great gun range this close – a great gun range in Utah, right here in our back yard.
All 20 lanes at the Three Mile Creek Range had a gun to try out, and each lane had a Rangemaster, manufacturer’s representative, or a Smith & Edwards employee to load the ammunition, help spot the targets, and if needed, guide the shooter on the gun they were trying.
We were happy to help guide novice shooters and families who were teaching their kids how to shoot!
Each lane has a concrete bench in great condition, and the Three Mile Creek Range features targets out to 500 yards. The plan is to have 1000 yard targets in the future!
The Range has 2 big sets of bleachers for families to watch the shoot. The parking lot is nice and had enough spots for us at Range Day. Plus, there’s a speaker system so it was clear when shooting stopped for us to repaint targets.
The Perry shooting range is a great place to teach your kids to shoot, and target practice. It’s a perfect spot for shooters of all ages.
Smith & Edwards’ Range Day was the first major event held at the Perry shooting range. We’re excited to see what more comes to Perry’s Three Mile Creek Gun Range in the future!
What Happened at the Gun Range on Range Day
There were challenges:

Justin won this awesome hat from Desert Tech! He was the first to shoot a target at 500 yards on his first shot using the 308. Way to go Justin!!
There were giveaways:
We gave away 5 buckets of Remington 22s at the Range, and we had lots of other giveaways: 9mm and 45 ACP ammo from Spirit Ammunition, a TruGlo SCP TAC 30mm Scope, and a TruGlo 5 MOA Reticle.
Springfield Armory even gave us an XD-S pistol to give away in support of Range Day! Here’s the lucky fella –
We had a lot of help….
There were representatives from Springfield Armory, Browning, Spirit Ammunition, Desert Tech, Taylor Targets, Crimson Trace, and Nemo.

Bob with Spirit Ammunition, a Utah ammunition manufacturer, came out to show what ammo of his we stock at Smith & Edwards!
And of course, there was food!
What shooters thought of Range Day
We asked Connor Squires what he liked about Range Day:
The shooting. I love to shoot.
We asked Connor what handguns were his favorite. He said “All of the 9’s.” Rifles? “The 22s and the 223s. I loved them all.”
Brett Farrin said:
Where else can you take your 15 year old son and introduce him to some of the best guns on the market in a safe and healthy environment. We had a blast. Thank you Smith and Edwards for putting this together. We will definitely be supporting the 2nd annual Range Day!
I am not sure how it would work but a shotgun trap shoot would have been fun. There are a couple of shot guns I would have liked to pulled the trigger on.
I really like the Springfield XD 40. It is on my wish list. It was so fun to be able to put some bullets through these guns.
The HMR .17 was a lot of fun. It is not something I would have purchased but having shot it, it was one of our favorites. We also shot the 5.62 from Springfield. Now that I could own.
About the Three Mile Creek Range
Construction of the Three Mile Creek Range began in 2012 and it now features 20 lanes and targets at 50, 100, 150, and 200 yards… and more expansion is planned, including an archery range, law enforcement training center, and 1000 yard targets.
If you’re looking for a Utah shooting range to call home, we highly recommend the Three Mile Creek Range!
The Perry Three Mile Creek Range offers day passes and year passes. The Range is open to all shooters Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00-5:00pm except the first Saturday of the month, closed for maintenance.
The Perry gun range is located just north of the weigh station/point of entry west of I-15. Simply take 2950 S and head west under the I-15 overpass, then follow the road south. Take the first right and you’re there – here’s a link to the range on Google Maps.
Mayor Karen Cronin tells us that through the summer, Perry is working to get the training facility at the Three Mile Creek Range operational. The Range is going to take the inside of the training facility and refurbish it to make it more conducive to do training like hunter’s safety for 30-50 people at a time. This includes an indoor classroom where groups could even do Powerpoint presentations for the class to bring the education portion of the sport to the Range, as well as a kitchenette for groups to host parties at the Range.
There may even be clay pigeon shooting at the Perry range in the future!
Here’s what Mayor Karen Cronin said about the Perry Three Mile Creek Range:
Some people put in swimming pools, some people put in skate parks, we have to make a decision if there’s something we want to sponsor. The gun range is a little out of the box, but we hope it’ll reach a lot of family and individuals, and help the sport of shooting.
Check out the Range on Perry City’s website here!
What do you think… Should we do it again?
Should Smith & Edwards collaborate with sponsors & Perry City again to bring back Range Day next year? Let us know in the comments below!
Thank YOU for coming and participating!
Thanks to Mayor Karen Cronin and the many people at Perry City and Three Mile Creek Range to help us put on the 2014 Smith & Edwards Range Day Event!
Thanks to our sponsors Springfield Armory, Crimson Trace, Tru Glo Optics, Nemo Firearms, Desert Tech, Taylor Targets, Browning, and Spirit Ammunition, for the prizes and time you donated to this event!
All of you helped us give our customers a fun event – THANK YOU!